Week 6 and 7: Decision analysis
Mandatory Readings
Epstein J. M. Why Model? Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 11(4)12 Optional Reading Materials:
- Cellular Agent Based Models Introducing Cellular Agent Based Modeling & Their Application in Design and Analysis of Built Environments
- Big Questions about Literally Small Worlds: What is the appeal of small worlds, Complexity or Simplicity?
- On Evaluation and Optimization; preliminaries for impact assessment
Practical Guidelines for Building Planning Support Systems in Python:
Lecture - Models and Decisions | Dr. MArch. P. Nourian
Exemplary works on using Digital Twins for Planning Support and Policy Analysis:
Assignment 4 (non graded)
PROCESS AND ANALYSIS - Write one to two pages
- How could data interact to achieve your goal?
- Which human influences or natural conditions can be driver forces that affect your study area?
- What is the pressures genereted by these conditions?
- What are the states or conditions of the environment affected by the pressures?
- What are the impacts either biological, social, economic or environmental that the change of state create?
What are possible key indicators that stakeholders would need to respond to the changes in the system?
Create a Flowchart explaining the relationships of the previous items, identify which are inputs and outputs. Remember using the outputs from preparation Assignment 3.
- Review if you require more data for completing your model.
Live office hour
This week there will not be a Live office hour. You can leave your question on the Discussion Forum