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Week 6 and 7: Decision analysis

Mandatory Readings

Practical Guidelines for Building Planning Support Systems in Python:

Lecture - Models and Decisions | Dr. MArch. P. Nourian

Link to video

Exemplary works on using Digital Twins for Planning Support and Policy Analysis:

Assignment 4 (non graded)

PROCESS AND ANALYSIS - Write one to two pages

  • How could data interact to achieve your goal?
  • Which human influences or natural conditions can be driver forces that affect your study area?
  • What is the pressures genereted by these conditions?
  • What are the states or conditions of the environment affected by the pressures?
  • What are the impacts either biological, social, economic or environmental that the change of state create?
  • What are possible key indicators that stakeholders would need to respond to the changes in the system?

  • Create a Flowchart explaining the relationships of the previous items, identify which are inputs and outputs. Remember using the outputs from preparation Assignment 3.

  • Review if you require more data for completing your model.

Live office hour

This week there will not be a Live office hour. You can leave your question on the Discussion Forum

Suplementary Material - Optional