Week 2 and 3: Introduction to Digital Twins
Mandatory Readings
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Lecture - Digital Twins: What they are and why they matter | Dr. Mila Koeva
For this week the assignment is a Tutorial 1 Intro to Blender, Downloading 3D data, Visualizing existing data and from QGIS to Blender excercise. Tutorial 2 Gathering data.
Assignment 2 (not graded)
DECISION - Write one to two pages
- Think of a possible study case of your own.
- What is your DT goal? What questions can your Digital Twin answer.
- Who is your audience target and stakeholders?
- Who are they?
- What can make your stakeholder happy?
- What are their demands for a Digital Twin?
- What is their level of Geoinformation literacy?
- What is their domain knowledge on the Digital Twin theme?
- Summarize the User Requirements? – what are your expected outcomes?
- How to measure your outcomes? – Think of SMART indicators
Live office hour
Join the MS-Teams live office hour on 29th November, 1pm - CEST
Suplementary Material - Optional
- Create a Donut in Blender by Andrew Price
- Jeddoub, I., Nys, G.-A., Hajji, R., & Billen, R. (2023). Digital Twins for cities: Analyzing the gap between concepts and current implementations with a specific focus on data integration. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 122, 103440
- Kritzinger, W., Karner, M., Traar, G., Henjes, J., & Sihn, W. (2018). Digital Twin in manufacturing: A categorical literature review and classification. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 51(11), 1016-1022.